It is understood that the 26-year-old took her own life on Saturday months after alleging that she was raped by her father when she was 7.
In several posts on her Facebook page, the deceased had slammed her mother as well as other family members for not believing her claims against her father.
“They always find an excuse for this man and enough is enough. My family who have been raining insults and campaigning against me need to ask themselves what they are truly afraid of right now. It is only the truth getting out that scares pedophiles,” she wrote in October.
“I know that you are a child molester, your numerous victims outnumber you and I remember everything now. All I have to say to you is this: You, your rings of pedophiles, bullies, thieves, hired cronies and family gang can do whatever you like in eternum,” she had written.
“Entire chunks of my memory were once lost and taken from me, entire friendships and interests and hobbies and goals I had just vanished and might still not fully ever come back.
“Instead I carried around such intense feelings of shame, regret and self-loathing disgust that it consumed me most times.
“Good or bad, traumatic or not, those memories of mine that hurt me and triggered me for so long have finally woken me up and reminded me that I promised myself if I survived you, escaped, and somehow found enough sanity to be willing to return home that I would never set foot in Nigeria unless I had publicly acknowledged the fact that you continually raped me as a seven-year-old child until I had a possible prepubescent miscarry and almost died of sepsis. I wasn’t even in Primary 4 yet.”
May her gentle soul rest in peace. Wicked pastor