Alaafin of oyo dies at 83


Popular monarch Oba lamidi adeyemi rumoured have joined his ancestors early hours this morning he was 83 years old

He was one of the longest reigning king in Nigeria was said to have died at the Afe Babalola University Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti, where he has been for routine medical check-up.

His remains have been moved to Oyo town. His first son, Prince ‘Tunde, has taken charge of the next

The head of the Oyomesi, Basorun of Oyo, High Chief Yusuf Akinade  Ayoola, is expected to take over pending the appointment of a new Alaafin.

The departure of Oba Adeyemi makes it three, the numbers of prominent Oyo kings that have joined their ancestors in the last five month. Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oyewumi died December 12, 2021 while Olubadan Saliu Adetunji died January 2, 2022.

Alaafin, or palace owner in Yoruba, was the title of the emperor of the medieval Oyo Empire and the city of Oyo in modern West Africa. He ruled over the ancient Oyo Empire, which stretched from what is now the Republic of Benin to Nigeria, starting in the states in the southeast and west in the north. The people below him are called Yoruba and speak the Yoruba language.

The Oyo Arafin in Yoruba mythology and history is said to be one of the seven grandsons of the Olduduwa who later became kings and formed the basis of the Yoruba civilization.

After the fall of the Oyo Empire, the title was retained as the official title of the ceremonial ruler of the contemporary indigenous peoples of Oyo, Nigeria. Arafin is the political leader of the Yoruba people and the only monarch who has the power to appoint chiefs representing the whole of Yoruba. Examples of such appointments are Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubalam and Iyalode of Yorubalam.
